Presentation: Insights on Customer Attitudes Toward Water

I recently delivered a presentation on water-related public opinion to the annual meeting of the California Water Association in Monterey.

Feel free to use slides from this PowerPoint deck in your work.

Here’s an embed from SlideShare, where you can also view, download, and share the presentation:

I boiled down my research into seven points:

  1. Americans are very worried about their water
  2. Flint and drought have impacted public opinion
  3. Water is less partisan than many other issues
  4. Many favor water conservation and see it as their civic duty
  5. Americans are willing to pay to fix their water infrastructure
  6. Water is seen as a good value, but people are wary of rate increases
  7. Communications are critical for recycled water

This isn’t an exhaustive list of findings, but simply some of the highlights I thought would be of interest to the audience.

The California Water Association represents the state’s investor-owned water companies, which supply nearly 6 million people in California.

I’m available to present to other groups and meetings, either virtually or in person, so if you have a need for a speaker, feel free to reach out! aggregates, analyzes, and visualizes public opinion data on water-related issues. Stay informed via TwitterFacebookPinterestRSS, and email.