6 things I learned by studying public opinion on water

    6 things I learned by studying public opinion on water Over the past six months, I’ve been working at the intersection of two professional passions: water and public opinion. With support from the Water Funder Initiative, a collaborate effort by foundations to make our water systems more sustainable, I’ve been analyzing what we know about [...]

    By |March 24th, 2017|Climate change, Conservation, Drought, Infrastructure, Quality, Supply|Comments Off on 6 things I learned by studying public opinion on water

      Polling showed strong support for California’s Sustainable Groundwater Management Act

      Polling in advance of California's new groundwater law A California groundwater poll released in the midst of severe drought found strong support for better management of the state's aquifers. In July 2014, the Water Foundation hired two pollsters—Public Opinion Strategies and Fairbank, Maslin, Maullin, Metz & Associates—to analyze public opinion on the issue as part of the [...]

      By |September 22nd, 2016|Fairbank Maslin Maullin Metz & Associates, Groundwater, Pollsters, Public Opinion Strategies, Quality, Supply|Comments Off on Polling showed strong support for California’s Sustainable Groundwater Management Act